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William Taylor Adams, novelist
Thomas Bailey Aldrich, author
Faith Baldwin, author
K.C. Beaton, writer, actor
Park Benjamin, poet, editor
David Paul Brown, playwright
Robert J. Burdette, humorist
Gelatt Burgess, humorist, author
Laura Burt, actress
Will Carleton, poet
Dale Carnegie, author, speaker
Boake Carter, radio commentator
George W. Childs
Irvin Shrewsbury Cobb, humorist
Marc Connelly, playwright
Frank Crane, clergyman
Richard Harding Davis, author
Floyd Dell, playwright
Charles Denby, Diplomat and China Scholar
Oliver Ditson, music publisher
Robert Drouet
Walter Pritchard Eaton, author
Edward Eggleston, author
Sewell Ford, initials
John Fox, Jr., novelist
Horace Howard Furness, Shakespearean scholar
Franklyn Fyles, critic, playwright
Hamilton Gibbs, novelist
George Gibbs, ethnologist
John Cheever Goodwin, playwright
Edgar Guest, poet
Arthur Guiterman, poet
John Habberton, author
Levin Irving Handy, educator, lawyer, politician
Charles C. Harrison, educator
Helen Hayes, actress, & Joanne Dorian
Robert Hichens, British author
C. Burton Holmes, author
H.V. Kaltonborn, Radio Commentator
Charles Rann Kennedy, playwright
Caroline M. Kirkland. author
Lewis E. Laws, penologist
Francis Ellington Leupp, journalist
J. Aldrich Libbey, singer
Howard Lindsay, playwright
John Uri Lloyd, pharmacist
James Russell Lowell, man of letters
Hamilton Wright Mabie, critic
Ted Malone, radio broadcaster
John Ernest McCann, poet
O.O. McIntyre, journalist
Rod McKuen, poet
Donald Grant Mitchell, author
W.H.H. Murray, Adirondack author
Charles Gilman Norris, author
James Oppenheim, poet, novelist
Gilbert Parker, novelist, MP
Charles Henry Parkhurst, reformer
Drew Peason, journalist
Henry Reed, editor
William Eustis Russell, politician
Richard Henry Savage, author
John G. Saxe, ANS
Mary F. Scott-Siddons, actress
W.B. Sprague, clergyman, collector
Vincemt Starret, critic, bibliophile
Edmund Clarence Stedman, poet, critic, banker
Julian Street, author
Lowell Thomas, correspondent
Emma Cecilia Thursby, singer
William H. Tillinghast, editor
Odette Tyler, actress
sold out
Robert Walsh, editor, diplomat
Carolyn Wells, novelist
A.D.T. Whitney, author
Marshall P. Wilder, entertainer
Talcott Williams, journalist
Owen Wister, author